VAS European Master Overview
The European Master in Angiology/Vascular Medicine is a premier educational program designed to foster a comprehensive European perspective in the field of vascular medicine (angiology, synonymous). Tailored for medical doctors, this program aligns with the UEMS European Training Requirements, ensuring that participants receive top-tier training and professional development.
The Master is organized as a modular plan
- A. European Postgraduate Course : 1 year European Postgraduate Course (theoretical part, on a eLearning accredited Platform), in English.
After passing the exam, there are two options:
- stop (obtaining the Certificate of European Postgraduate Course)
- or continue to complete the Master (B)
- B. European Master: A second year of Tutorial Training in one (or more) of the VAS Referee Centres of Excellence, to obtain (after a final Exam) the VAS European Master.
Objectives of the Master in Angiology/Vascular Medicine
The VAS European Master programme imparts a multidisciplinary academic education in the field of vascular medicine. The aim is harmonizing, with an European view and a high quality program, the approach to vascular disease, their prevention, diagnosis, therapy, their epidemiological and social impact. It will influence qualified future involvement in clinical or research activity, employment or Team development in this area, in Europe an Worldwide.
Students will acquire:
- during the European Postgraduate Course: knowledge on Bioethics, Vascular diseases (Peripheral Arterial Disease, Buerger’s Disease, Cerebrovascular diseases, Aortic Aneurism, Gastrointestinal vascular disease, Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Thromboembolic Disease, Raynaud, Lymphedema, Lipoedema, Vascular Anomalies ) ,epidemiology, physiopathology, diagnostics (ABI, vascular ultrasounds, capillaroscopy, major skin microcirculation diagnostics, other vascular exams), therapy, major Risk factors, basic knowledge on statistics, as described in the Syllabus
- during the second year of the European Master: the ability (Tutorial Training hours) to deal with clinics, diagnostics, therapy, problems resulting from the impact of vascular diseases, patients communication and their involvement. They have also the possibility (in the Training dedicated additional hours) to produce a paper or to be experienced in research methods.
- they (for both modules) will also be involved in VAS yearly Academic Conference and invited to be an active part in European and International projects
Credits for Continuous Medical Education (CME) are crucial for healthcare professionals to stay updated with the latest medical advancements and practices. The UEMS (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes) offers EACCME (European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education) credits which are widely recognized and respected.
Credit Allocation
EACCME credits are awarded based on the certified hours spent on the course. Specifically:
- 1 hour of course participation = 1 EACCME Credit
- Average credits per course range from 100 to 150
EACCME credits are accepted in Europe (see different Countries), USA, CA (see agreements)
Additional facilities for Physicians registered in the Modules
- Free VAS European Training Fellowship (VAS-ETF) Certification that recognizes Postgraduate European /International Students active in Training both in Clinical and/or in Research
- Free Registration to the yearly VAS events:
- European Angiology Days-International Vascular Medicine yearly Academic Conference (Web Live)
During the weekend between the end of November/early December
2024: 29November-1st December
(Considered as part of the Course). - VAS Laboratory for Vascular Medicine-Yearly upgrading on European and International Projects ( in Presence).
2024: 7-9 March close to Budapest HU(Suggested but Optional)
- European Angiology Days-International Vascular Medicine yearly Academic Conference (Web Live)
- Free VAS Membership and open involvement in activities (e.g. VAS Young Comm., Awareness Actions etc), if requested.
- The Master Diploma also allows one to apply for the CESMA-UEMS European Exam by EBVMA to have the UEMS European Diploma.
Target Audience and Application
Target audience
- Medical Doctors
- Specialists or with expertise in: vascular medicine (angiology), internal medicine
- With expertise in: phlebology, lymphology, microcirculation, vascular interventional
- Specialists in: Community medicine or GPs
- Other Specialties, if involved in vascular medicine : cardiology, vascular surgery
Application process
To apply for the European Postgraduate Course in Angiology/Vascular Medicine or the European Master, including one or both modules, please follow the instructions below:
Required Documents
- Application Form: Complete the application form and indicate whether you are applying for one or both modules, or for the entire European Postgraduate Course and European Master.
- Curriculum Vitae (CV): Submit your updated CV.
Additional Documents
Please include the following authenticated documents with your application:
- Graduation Certificate: Authenticated copy of your graduation certificate.
- Specialty Certificate: Authenticated copy of your specialty certificate (if available).
- Identity Card: Copy of your identity card.
- Certification by the Head of Institution: A certification from the Head of the Institution where you are currently working.
Language Requirements
- If any documents are not in one of the following languages, they must be translated: English (EN), Italian (IT), French (FR), German (DE), Spanish (ES), Portuguese (PT), Hungarian (HU), Polish (PL), Romanian (RO), Swedish (SE), Greek (GR).
- Translations can be submitted during the course if they are not immediately available.
Application form
Go to this link and apply now.
Fees and Payments
1.800 Euros for the European Postgraduate Course
2.000 Euros for the (optional) second year of European Master
The fees can be payed for the single year Course or for both together (3.800 Euros)
Payment to:
VAS account: (please send a copy of the bank transfer)
IBAN IT 74 V034 4033 0300 0000 0161 200
A copy of the bank transfer has to be sent to: before the start of the course.
VAS Academy Education integrated programmes
VAS-European Independent Foundation in Angiology/Vascular Medicine is the scientific Organization which, since 1991, has given life to the European vascular medicine (angiology) education and training, continuously expanding and updating to ensure a unique European training program, of high quality and adaptable with its modularity to individual needs.
The European Master represents the most comprehensive Course. Shorter, specific Courses are also available on the Accredited VAS-Campus Platform: Vascular Ultrasounds, Capillaroscopy, Skin microcirculation evaluation methods, Varicose veins techniques.
Other Educational are:
- The VAS European Book on Angiology/Vascular Medicine (New Edition on January 2025 )
- The new International Atlas of vascular clinical cases (in collaboration with SVM, ESL,ISL,ESO,VASCA)
- Reviews and Position papers
- The education offers the two yearly events: the European Angiology Days-International Vascular Medicine yearly Academic Conference (web live-Winter between end of November, first December) and the VAS Laboratory for Vascular Medicine-Yearly upgrading on European and International Projects (in presence-Spring).
European Master Modular Courses
The European Courses are designed to provide a comprehensive European perspective on Vascular Medicine (Angiology). Their curricula align with the UEMS European Training Requirements.
The EU Master Course is structured in two modular phases:
- E-Learning Component (1 year):
- European Postgraduate Course: This phase consists of online learning and can be completed as a standalone qualification.
- European Master Completion:
- Practical Training (1 additional year): This phase involves hands-on training to complete the master’s program.
You have the option to conclude your studies after the E-Learning Component or to advance to the European Master Completion for further practical experience.
1. VAS EU Postgraduate Course (1 year)
Key points
- 1 year Course for Medical Doctors
- English Course
- E-Learning on the Accredited Platform VAS-Campus
- European Teaching Panel-.VAS International Academy on Vascular Medicine
- 150 hours of E-Learning Video Lessons, other education materials and individual study
- Recorded activity by Moodle method
- Available Forum
- Interim evaluations and on-line MCQ and Clinical Case Final Exam
- Final VAS Certification and EACME Credits.
- Allows you to stop or to continue to the second year, to obtain the VAS European Master
Course Content
- E-Learning Video Lessons by the VAS Academy (University Professors, specific expertise)
- Available 24h, after obtaining your access to the VAS-Campus Accredited Platform and the Course
- Up-dated literature (pdf)
- Suggested Reference Text: VAS European Book in Angiology/Vascular Medicine
- The main covered areas are:
- Biomedical Ethics
- Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases
- Microcirculation
- Venous Diseases: Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) – Thromboembolic
- Disease (TED)
- Lymphedema and Lipoedema
- Arterial Diseases: Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) – Cerebrovascular
- Disease (CVD)
- Vascular Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract
- Vascular Anomalies
- Vascular Ultrasounds
- Main Risk Factors
- Statistics
- Miscellaneous
- You can find details in the Syllabus
- Interim evaluations are in the program (online)
- Participation to European Angiology Days-International Vascular medicine yearly Academic Conference aspart of the Course (see below)
- Final exam:
- After completing the Course (Moodle record of the activities)
- On line, fixed time, MCQ and Clinical Case evaluation
2.VAS EU Master -1 additional year (total 2 years)
Key points
You can start the Master after obtaining the Postgraduate Certification. You can apply by selecting the 2-year Master Course from the beginning or after completing the first year Postgraduate Course. There is a flexibility in splitting the time between the two courses: no limits in applying for the second year, to complete the Master.- Students will be able to follow the requested program in one or more of the selected VAS Referee European Centres of Excellence (part of the VAS International Academy)
- The Tutorial and Training Course is a tailored Course, offering a training on vascular medicine
- All the activities are recorded in a Log Book, signed by the Tutor and Responsible of the Center. The Training year can be spent in one or two different centres.
- Language course is English, but being the communication with patients fundamental, options on language countries can be done
- After completing the second year and passing the final exam, students receive the VAS European Master in Vascular medicine (Angiology). The final Exam will be on practical skills and the evaluation done by an Exam Commission. European Angiology Days and other VAS proposed conferences are part of the program.
- This certification allows to apply for the CESMA-UEMS European Exam to obtain the UEMS
- European Diploma
- After obtaining the Master, you will consider to apply for the European Fellowship of Excellence(EFE-VAS) when the application criteria on the VAS website are respected.
Course Content
Practical training in one or more of the VAS Referee Centres of Excellence (part of the VAS International Academy).- 450 hours of tutorial training (covering UEMS European training Requirements). Any already existing skills in vascular area ( evaluated by the Referee Center) will be considered, to focus the training on most needed areas.
- and 120 hours of independent activities (bibliographic research, writing a review after agreeing the topic, extra training, joint research activities).
- Stay in your country or go abroad, and select your preferred country: proposals are made considering your training needs, availability of Centres, preferred languages (to communicate to patients).
- How to organize the requested training hours and contents: proposals are agreed between Applicant, the Center and the VAS Education Committee. Master Coordination.
European Angiology Days
European Angiology Days-International Vascular Medicine Academic Yearly Conference Web Live. They are part of the Postgraduate Course and of the second year Master. Presence will be registered by Zoom Platform. Registration is Free, but mandatory on the web. Program (updating),Abstracts information and registration available on europeanangiologydays.netCertifications and Recognitions
Evaluation process at the end of the training year:- Exam Commission with local members and External Members (1 or 2)
- The Logbook tracking activities signed by the Center Director and by the Tutor/s has to be complete and available for the Exam Commission
- Exam: evaluation on abilities and skills. No theoretical exam (already covered by the previous Postgraduate Course Exam)
VAS European Fellowships
- All students will obtain the VAS European Training Fellowship during the 2 years course.
- After obtaining the Master, if VAS published criteria are fulfilled , you can apply for VAS European Fellowship of Excellence.
How to apply Complete the Application Form: Include your CV and specify your application for the: European Postgraduate Course in Angiology/Vascular Medicine – Vas-Int Angiology Vascular Medicine. Requested document Documents are already available (being collected for the Postgraduate Course) Additional documents:- Certificate VAS European Postgraduate Course
- Updated CV
- Description of any already existing skills in the vascular area (they will be evaluated by the Referee Center), preferred Country, language (to communicate with patients).
What are the primary areas of knowledge in vascular medicine that the Master program provides?
The VAS European Master program provides a thorough education in vascular medicine with a focus on a European perspective. In the European Postgraduate Course, students gain knowledge in bioethics, various vascular diseases (such as Peripheral Arterial Disease and Cerebrovascular Diseases), epidemiology, physiopathology, diagnostics (including ABI, ultrasounds, and capillaroscopy) and therapy. They also learn about risk factors and basic statistics. In the second year, the program offers hands-on clinical training, enhancing skills in diagnostics, therapy, and patient communication. This comprehensive education prepares students for advanced roles in clinical practice, research, or team development in vascular medicine.
What are the benefits of completing the European Postgraduate Course?
Completing the European Postgraduate Course provides valuable EACCME (European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education) credits, essential for maintaining up-to-date medical knowledge. Each hour of the course earns 1 EACCME credit, with the total ranging from 100 to 150 credits depending on the course length. These credits are widely recognized across Europe, the USA, and Canada, supporting continuous professional development and ensuring that healthcare professionals remain proficient in the latest advancements in vascular medicine.
What are the benefits of completing the VAS EU Master?
Completing the VAS EU Master provides several significant advantages. You receive practical training at one or more VAS Referee Centres of Excellence, which are part of the VAS International Academy. This training develops your skills in managing clinics, diagnostics, therapy, and patient communication regarding vascular diseases. Additionally, you have the opportunity to engage in research activities, including writing a paper or learning research methods, during designated hours. The program also offers customized options to align with your personal interests while meeting the required hours and program standards.
Is the Master recognized internationally or within Europe?
The recognition of the VAS EU Master program varies based on national and institutional regulations. Internationally, VAS provides a Diploma Supplement, following the EU Commission’s template, which details the student’s educational journey. Additionally, a personal Logbook is available for the second year, complementing the UEMS EACCME Credits awarded for the first year. These documents help provide a comprehensive account of the student’s qualifications and achievements.
What is the European Training Fellowship (ETF-VAS) in the course?
Is a key component of the course. All students will receive the VAS European Training Fellowship upon completing the 2-year program. After obtaining the Master’s degree, students who meet the published criteria can apply for the VAS European Fellowship of Excellence. For more details on the criteria, please visit VAS European Fellowships.
What are the admission requirements?
- European Postgraduate Course: graduation in Medicine and CV
- Second year training Master: European Postgraduate Course Certification
What is the format of the lessons?
European Postgraduate Course : eLearning video recorded Lessons- English-available h24
Ref material and VAS European Book
Are there networking opportunities or related events?
Yes, there are multiple networking opportunities in the course. Students receive the VAS European Training Fellowship and gain free registration to key VAS events, including the European Angiology Days (an online conference) and the VAS Laboratory for Vascular Medicine (an in-person event). Additionally, students get free VAS membership, which offers access to various activities, and the Master Diploma allows for application to the CESMA-UEMS European Exam.
What support and resources are available?
European Postgraduate Course:
- EACCME Accredited VAS-Campus Platform for e-Learning h24
- Video recorded lessons by VAS International Academy- Teaching Panel (University European /International Professors with specific expertise)
- Pdf s selected papers
- Forum
- Moodle record of activities
European 2nd year training Master
- VAS Referee Centres of Excellence VAS International Academy
- Tutors
- LogBook
For both: European Angiology Days-International Vascular Medicine yearly Academic Conference
What are the career prospects for graduates of the course?
Master in Vascular Medicine have excellent career prospects. The unique program equips them with advanced skills and knowledge in vascular medicine, preparing them for roles in clinical practice, research, and academia. They may pursue careers in leading hospitals, research institutions, or academic settings across Europe and internationally.
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