The VAS Youngs Committee
The VAS Youngs Committee represents the view, aims and interests of the new generation of clinicians, researchers working in the area of vascular medicine and vascular disease or interested on them.
It represents the future of VAS and guarantees its values, independence , adherence to the social needs, to equity and social view of science.
The VAS Youngs has its own elected Executive ( and it is represented inside of the VAS Advisory Board.
The Committee and the Executive make proposals , plans, take initiative and run their dedicated Sessions during the two yearly International VAS Events: the VAS Laboratory for Vascular Medicine (hybrid, in March) and the European Angiology Days-International Vascular Medicine Academic Conference (Web live- week-end between end of November and December).
The VAS Youngs members are also invited to act inside of the other VAS Committees/Networks.
The VAS Youngs , following the VAS view of cooperation, welcome an encourage collaborate with the other Young groups of the Organizations that already have a loyal collaboration with VAS, to enforce contribution of different expertise.
The VAS Board supports the VAS Youngs Committee , working to enforce it and its activities.
VAS Youngs Executive