Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
PAD has a high social burden in high income as well as in low- and middle-income countries. PAD increases with the increase in life expectancy and aging of the population.
Cardiovascular (CV) acute fatal and non-fatal events are related to the stage of the disease. Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI) is the most advanced stage of PAD with a high risk of amputation and the highest rate of death.
Costs are higher for inpatients in its advanced stages than those for coronary heart disease (CHD) or stroke.
PAD responds positivelyto simple preventive measures if approached in stages I and II (Asymptomatic or Claudication).
Several cardiovascular events can be prevented and the PAD deterioration controlled and consequently vascular amputations can be mostly avoided.
Clinical evaluation alone can diagnose PAD.
Preventing the deterioration of PAD is a primary ethical commitment for those who work and have responsibilities in national health organizations.
- Enhancing primary prevention of PAD in the general population
- Increasing awareness of PAD among health professionals and the population
- Promoting early diagnosis of PAD
- Enhancing secondary prevention of cardiovascular events and death in PAD patients
- Increasing interest and support of European Union and World Health Organisation for PAD action
VAS Referees
- Sasha Marschang BE,
- Mariella Catalano (IT),
- Gerit Schernthaner (AT)
- Katalin Farkas (HU),
- Michael Edmonds (UK), Linda Mans (NL),
- I. Durand Zaleski (FR)
Members and Countries (alphabetic order)
- VAS-European Independent Foundation in Angiology/Vascular Medicine (Board Representatives) and
VAS-International Consortium of Vascular Medicine (representatives for: Europe, USA, Philippine, Argentina,
Australia, Iran, Turkey) - APSVM: Asian Pacific Society Vascular Disease
- EPHA: European Public Health Alliance
- ENSP: European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention
- ESNO: European Specialist Nurses Organization
- EIWH: European Institute of Women’s Health
- EMSA: European Medical Students’ Association
- ESSPSY: European Society of Social Psychiatry
- IFMSA: International Federation of Medical Students Associations (RD Europe)
- PSVM: Philippine Society for Vascular Medicine
- SIHA: Seniors International Health Association
- TSVES: Turkish Society of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery.
International PAD Strategic Network Board (alphabetic order)
- Tes Abola PH
- Tankut Akay TR
- Jerry Bartholomew USA
- Melissa Bernardo PH
- Jonathan James Bernardo PH
- Mariella Catalano IT
- Michael Edmonds UK
- Dilek Erer TK
- Katalin Farkas HU
- Bahar Fazeli IRN
- Gerry Fowkes UK
- Jon Golledge AU
- Monica Heinzmann AG
- Tomas Karplus AU
- Yasser Khazaal CH
- Peggy Maguire IRL
- Linda Mans NL
- Chris Manu UK
- Sascha Marschang BE
- Roberto Messina IT
- Gita Mihelčič SL
- Karina Mocanu BE
- Vanessa Moore IRL
- Maria Teresa Parisotto DE
- Gerit Schernthaner AT
- Luciana Valente IT