Vascular International Consortium

VAS-International Consortium (VAS-IC)

Members: National/European/International Scientific Societies/Organizations and Universities


The VAS’ proposal for the creation of the VAS-International Consortium comes from the need to permanently unite energies and high quality expertise towards a goal of enforce Angiology/Vascular Medicine in a borderless collaboration to obtain concrete and useful results in the different field, asking Universities, Associations/Scientific Societies and high-level Organisations for a stable and organised collaboration.

What does this mean in practice?

No interfering with the competence of participating organizations. Instead, each becomes the reference point on their own specific expertise, avoiding duplication and waste of effort and working together as unique body in commune projects.

The Consortium is the International official Body able to cooperate in a stable way also with Institutions/Organizations and Societes of the different Continents, interested in the Projects.

Taking part in EU or International Calls is one of the main projects of the Consortium. No overlapping, no conpetition, but acting as a strong, collaborative body, with multiple country, multiple continents and multidisciplinary expertise and a unique shared style for the benefit of each participant and the VAS-IC in toto.


A formal Agreement has to be signed to confirm the adhesion to the VAS-IC, its principles, aims and rules.
Internal Addendum Agreement can be proposed to cover specific points.
In the Agreement the Referents for the University or Scientific Society or Organization are clearly defined.
If interested in join the VAS-IC, please CONTACT US or apply to sign the Formal Agreement.


The Members of the VAS-IC are informed and are active part in taking every decision.
They work  through internet to discuss and complete all the defined projects .
The Meeting is held at least once a year and a written report given to the VAS Board, to coordinate actions, before the European Angiology Days. Sectorial meetings (eg VAS single Campaign..) will be defined by the Referee and Networks/WG Core groups.

VAS-International Consortium for Angiology/Vascular Medicine works for an International Coordination for Specialty and its accreditation.

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